Bedtimes this week have been a raucous affair. Kristin and I rarely have any time alone before 10 PM anymore, and it's becoming quite a slog. The kids are sweet to be sure, but here it is Valentine's and rather than a glass of wine and a movie with my wife, I'm writing a blog post with two wildly writhing toddlers. Ack! Ah well, this is what I signed up for, right?
So I got my first Seminary application in the mail yesterday, and what a relief. There are still a few loose ends, but I have compiled all the information I have so far and sent it to them. This one went to the Seminary of the Southwest, and the next one will be Church Divinity School of the Pacific. I'm in full-on essay writing and info-tracking mode, often up until midnight (after the maelstrom of bedtimes lately) filling out forms and editing papers. I always swore I would never go back to school until I found something that truly inspired me to do so; now I am surprised by the energy and drive I possess to get things done.
On Friday, a group of folks from St. Paul's sat down with me for a few hours in the evening and went over my postulancy essays with me. They looked on them with a keen and critical eye, and helped bring out the kind of questions that each of them would wonder about after hearing my story. It was incredibly helpful to hear an outside perspective on the things I've been thinking about and laboring over during my process, and it helped me tremendously to know that I have a pretty keen grasp on the ideas we discussed. I feel blessed to have their support and prayers, and I feel well-prepared for the next hoop I have to jump through.
And that hoop is happening this Thursday. On that morning I'll be getting up early to go have breakfast with a couple of friends, and then it's off to Camp Huston. I have no idea what awaits me there. I've heard only the most vague and intimidating stories about what a Commission on Ministry truly involves. I will be there from Thursday at 11AM until Friday at 1 PM, and I don't know when I'll have the answer as to whether or not I get postulancy -- so please pray for me!
1 year ago
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