Hello again. The last few weeks have been a bit of settling time for me. After all of the frenzied activity involved in applying endlessly for things (postulancy, seminary, scholarships, etc.), selling the condo, writing a sermon, and planning my fund-raising endeavors, things suddenly all took off on their own! I got a fantastic scholarship (fellowship, actually), my condo is under contract, my fund-raising dinner has a staff of planners doing a great job, and my sermon was a big hit. Now for the last few weeks I keep having this nagging feeling in my down time that there's someone I am supposed to call or some deadline looming over me. It's a crummy way to live!
It hasn't helped that we've all had various illnesses the past few weeks, either - or that the weather has been so classically a Bellingham Spring (someone referred to in recently as June-uary!). But onward we plod! Things are looking up and will be swinging into high gear yet again soon. I will have various family in town all this month. My big send-off party next Saturday is shaping up to be a bigger celebration than my wedding: over 130 people have already RSVP'ed. We'll be building the stage and dance floor this Friday! At the end of next week, as part of my fellowship (www.thefund.org), I will be headed, sans family, to Boston for a 4-day conference for young (under 35) future leaders of the church. I'll be in Whistler, BC for my birthday, and then it's time to start packing for the big move!
1 year ago
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